A Tunnel of Hope | Book Two

Book Two of Michael Francis McDermott’s dystopian series, IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER.

It’s been seven months since Heath’s life changed forever at the hands of a Republican tyrant. Grief-stricken, he wanders the roads and alleyways of his new home – Sector 9 – looking for his little brother, lost to him during the annihilation of Sector 11.

Yet even in hard times, Heath knows he must be there for those who still need him. His best friend is by his side, as are his new comrades, waiting for a chance to continue their struggle.

Then Heath learns of a tunnel built under the fences, leading to the other side. Hope is suddenly around the corner. But who dug it? Why was it built?

And can Heath and his friends use it to make a meaningful difference in their fight?

A bold and gripping dystopian action-thriller series, In the Name of the Father is an inspiring story of love, transformation and the human spirit, transcending what it means to search for truth and fight for life.

And what it means to believe in something greater.


  • — Charlotte
    'To me, this book is ultimately about the human experience … this is a dark world, a dangerous place. What happens when a people in and around a place like this are told they aren’t allowed to believe in anything? The result is inspiring … A beautiful story with a big heart.'
    — Charlotte
  • — Marlene
    'This is a huge book! If you happen to be in quarantine, this is the book that will see you through ... A very well-written book that makes you think and question. One that will leave you suspended in this world, never knowing if what you believe is real or propaganda.'
    — Marlene
  • — Colleen
    'Be aware: this book could easily be a prediction of future societal direction … The author gives us a dramatic view of how easily we could be led into following and voting in new ideas and fads that can lock us into a lifestyle of divisiveness and also fearful for our families and the future. This book is a must-read exciting thriller to the end.'
    — Colleen
  • — Jesse (brainofj.org)
    'McDermott’s ambitious, sprawling epic debut novel … begins by tearing into a dystopian world like a bat out of hell. Your only option is to grab a hold of something and come along for the ride.'
    — Jesse (brainofj.org)
  • — Kirkus Reviews
    'Debut author McDermott offers a sweeping dystopian novel about a repressive regime and those who rebel against it ... Readers will find themselves invested in what happens when the lives of the characters collide. A futuristic tale that’s heavy on worldbuilding but still races to its inevitably violent conclusion.'
    — Kirkus Reviews
  • — Jennifer
    'I just wish it was less believable.'
    — Jennifer
  • — Paul
    'Set in a dystopian future, the novel raises interesting questions surrounding the pitfalls of democracy and the place of religion in society — without taking a distinct stance on either side of the equation.'
    — Paul
  • — Cassie
    'A masterful plot … For much of the book I felt that the author was deliberately leaving the reader to ponder on the big questions. What place does faith and spirituality have in a modern society? What forms of government work best? What does it really mean to be free? What are the virtues and follies of our own modern society? I heard recently that great art doesn’t answer questions, it asks them.'
    — Cassie

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