May 2020
The Kirkus Review is in!
Kirkus Reviews is an American book review magazine that dates back to 1933, and is one of the most famous book magazines in the world.
They have just reviewed In the Name of the Father!
“Debut author McDermott offers a sweeping dystopian novel about a repressive regime and those who rebel against it … Readers will find themselves invested in what happens when the lives of the characters collide. A futuristic tale that’s heavy on worldbuilding but still races to its inevitably violent conclusion.” — Kirkus Reviews
You will find the review on the dystopian fiction page, in the critical recommendations list, alongside Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments (her recent sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale).
I’m super pleased! 😊 Kirkus doesn’t give out positive reviews lightly and has even savaged some very popular books.
If you’re interested to see how the review compares to reviews of other well-known books:
The Silent Patient (over a million copies sold and winner of a Goodreads Choice Award) –…/alex-mi…/the-silent-patient/
The Testaments (winner of the Booker Prize) –…/margaret-at…/the-testaments/
Boy Swallows Universe (winner of ABIA Book of the Year Award for 2019) –…/tren…/boy-swallows-universe/
Kirkus Reviews delivers its verdict: get it.